21 Jan 2016

When to See the International Space Station

BRITISH Astronaut Tim Peak is creating a sensation here in the UK as he continues his 6 month tour of duty on the International Space Station. Due to its size and large solar panels it can reach magnitude -1 as it passes low across the night sky.
The next opportunity for amateur astronomers here in the UK to see the ISS will be early on the morning of 22 January when the station makes two passes from South-East to North West, reaching a maximum altitude in the South-East as it pass through Leo, the celestial Lion.
Here is a sky chart along with the times that the International Space Station is on view so that you can be prepared to take photographs of the occasion. All times are in (Universal Time) UT.
22 Jan 04h:39m:33s    Mag 2.8     Az 130     Alt 7     Rang 1721     RA 16h11m Dec -16.9     Dir 219
22 Jan 06h:12m:12s    Mag 0.6     Az 210     Alt 11   Rang 1421     RA 12h04m Dec -21.2     Dir 266

Times calculated with Cartez Du Ceil

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